RICE Framework for Prioritization
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RICE Framework for Prioritization

In this article, I will explain about the RICE framework for prioritization. This is used by Product Managers to evaluate and prioritize the product ideas/new features etc. RICE stands for:R – ReachI – ImpactC – ConfidenceE – Effort  RICE is the framework. Used by Product Managers.For prioritization.Intercom is the pioneer of the RICE framework. Is…

Developer In Product Discovery Process Can Add To Customer Delight

Developer In Product Discovery Process Can Add To Customer Delight

Development team is an integral part of the product. The product trio is incomplete without developers. They can build awesome products if they participate in product discovery.As we will see why active participation of developers in product discovery can build awesome products. Before that, let’s understand Product trio and Product discovery. Product Trio 3 to…

Charles Babbage Biography

Charles Babbage Biography

Do you know who created or invented computer? Who doesn’t know computers today? Everyone knows it. Right?But do you know who invented the computer? Its Charles Babbage. Charles Babbage is known as ‘Father of Computer‘. Who is Charles Babbage? Charles Babbage is a multi-talented genius from England. He is a mathematician, philosopher, engineer and inventor….

What is The Root Cause of Ransomware Attacks?

What is The Root Cause of Ransomware Attacks?

Do you know what is the root cause of the majority of ransomware attacks? It is the error in the configurations in the systems and devices. This is according to Microsoft. According to Microsoft, approximately 80% of the ransomware is due to network configuration errors. What is Ransomware? Ransomware is a malware (malicious software) or…

5 Different Types of Software Companies You Should Know About

5 Different Types of Software Companies You Should Know About

I have been working in the software industry for nearly 20 years. I worked for different kinds of companies. Based on this experience, I will share some basic information about these types of companies. Introduction There are many different types of software companies, from small startups to large enterprises. In this blog post, we’ll explore…