Why Requirements are Important For Testes? | Testers Role in Product Discovery

Requirements are the main requirements ! Our entire testing is based on these requirements. So, do the development. Requirements tell us what to build/develop. Challenge is …. How to collect requirements? Here is the best solution 👇 Product discovery. It is the important phase of Product Life Cycle. As Teresa Torres suggests, Continuous Discovery is…

Top 10 Automated Testing Tools for Software Testing Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide

Faster. That is it. It is a race. You have to be faster than other players. Same thing applies to testing. You need to complete the testing as quickly as possible. So that product reaches the market. Sooner than competitor. In my early days of testing career 19 years back, there were not many automation…

What Is Test Case Prioritisation? Why Test Cases Are Prioritised?

What Is Test Case Prioritisation? Why Test Cases Are Prioritised?

Do you know why it is important to add the priority for the test case ? As we know, when we are developing test cases, we set the priority for these test cases. Please note. The prioritisation happens at the very early stage-during test case development. Also Read : What is Smoke Testing? How do…

Key Points In Web Applications That Should Be Focused On While Doing Manual Testing

Key Points In Web Applications That Should Be Focused On While Doing Manual Testing

Manual testing is a crucial step in the development process of any web application.  It involves testing the application manually, as opposed to automated testing, to ensure that it works correctly and meets the requirements of the users. Additional specific testing to be done for web applications. There are several key points that should be…

RICE Framework for Prioritization
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RICE Framework for Prioritization

In this article, I will explain about the RICE framework for prioritization. This is used by Product Managers to evaluate and prioritize the product ideas/new features etc. RICE stands for:R – ReachI – ImpactC – ConfidenceE – Effort  RICE is the framework. Used by Product Managers.For prioritization.Intercom is the pioneer of the RICE framework. Is…