What is Alpha and Beta Testing?

Alpha and beta testing – two essential steps in the software development process

They help ensure that the software product is bug-free. To maximum extent.

But what are these mysterious testing phases, you ask?

And why should you care? 

Well, grab your copy and pen. 

Make notes.

We’re about to dive in!

What is Alpha Testing ?

  1. Testing done by ‘Testers’ within the team or organization
  2. Application is tested in the ‘Testing’ or QA environment (prior to production)
  3. Goal of alpha testing is to make sure that the product meets all functional requirements
  4. Alpha testing begins near  the end of development cycle
  5. Alpha testing is the combination of white box and black box testing
  6. Bugs identified in this cycle are quickly fixed and next build is given for testing
  7. Once major bugs fixed, then that application will move to ‘Beta’ testing
  8. Alpha testing cycle is longer
  9. End users are not involved

What is Beta Testing ?

  1. Testing done by ‘users’ outside of the team or organization
  2. Application is tested in the ‘Production’ environment
  3. Only selected group of users will will access to this version of product
  4. Beta testing begins before production launch/release
  5. Only black box testing is done
  6. Bugs identified in this cycle are quickly fixed and next build is given for testing
  7. Once major bugs fixed, then that application will move re
  8. Beta testing cycle is shorter
  9. End users are involved


Alpha and beta testing are critical steps in software development.

They ensure that software applications are as bug-free as possible before launch.

 So, next time you’re using a new software application, remember that it’s gone through some rigorous testing to ensure that it works as it should.

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